Top 20 NuGet line Packages

A parsing class to greatly simplify working with command line arguments in loosely coupled and generic way for a .Net application (e.g. console, client, or even web application).
This simple library provides easy interaction with a console application, with a simple menu mechanisim that can be controlled with arrow keys for .NET Core applications.
A succinct and powerful command line query tool for Azure Cosmos DB.
Prysm is a CLI beutification tool that provides simple and easy manipulation of console colors. This tool formats escape characters, which provides 256 color support to most windows command lines.
Isop is a library to help simplify and structure command line apps.
Package Description
LINE Botで使用するMessagingAPIをラップしたライブラリ
LINE Bot WebHook Controller Item Template
LINE Bot Push Razor Item Template
簡化執行 LINE Notify 功能
This program will execute ASP.NET Core WebAPI from Command Line. Can be usefull for a CI integration or just making a demo. Please see for details Please see about how I made it.
C# command-line argument parsing deserialization from attributes.
Library for generating visuals to be used in console applications
Parse and process main arguments
With Argument Reader command line arguments can be passed into a .net core application. The standard project assist 4 types of arguments: Boolean Strings (*) Integers (#) Doubles (##) Own argument types can be build with own classes. They need to inherit from the Argu...