Top 20 NuGet line Packages

Open source library made to speed up development of console utility applications.
Proof of Console (POConsole) is a console productivity tool for .NET developer's that want to prototype and run code in class libraries without writing virtually ANY boilerplate code.
The .NET SDK for the LINE Messaging API.
The .NET SDK for the LINE Messaging API.
The .NET SDK for the LINE Messaging API.
The .NET SDK for the LINE Messaging API.
Simple command line parser framework designed to be friendly with DI frameworks.
The RS Command Line Parser .Net Class Library can be used to add basic command line parsing for parameters to an application. Parameters can be passed starting with -- or - or / as prefix character followed by a space or = between parm name and value. Example: app.exe --action=run or --action ru...
Automatically provides an excellent command line interface to your existing .NET classes
Fluent Api for building CLI apps.
A library for performing Bezier curve computation for .NET Core. Commonly Used Types: - Bezier - Arc - Line - Circle - Slope - Extrema - BoundingBox Target platforms: - Desktop (Windows Forms, WPF, Avalonia) - Unity Game Engine - Xamarin - ASP.NET Core - Blazor (web front-end)
Package Description
Library for rendering blue lines and composition layouts.
Additional code analyzer rules
Provide tool for create command line interface for C# projects
A fast and reliable .NET command line parser Supported platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5.2+ - .NET Framework 4.6.2+ - .NET Standard 2.0+ - .NET Core 3.0+
A command line argument parser library
A small .NET standard library to easily execute external command line tools
Provides a way to implement commands by decorating methods with attributes. This component provides a Network Command Listener to intercept network commands from connections such as Telnet.