Top 20 NuGet helper Packages

It is a helper to manage the parameters on a console application.
Contém um helper que facilita o desenvolvimento. - .Net Framework 3.5+
Azure tables Helper
Shared types (models and utilities) for IO
Generate placeholder images and text with MVC Html Helpers
Extension methods that provide a simple, thread-safe mechanism for firing events.
Test your C# classes' Equals and GetHashCode implementations with ease
The Overwatch Unit Testing Helper Library provides access to the Overwatch Hive (Controller), and Pylons (Image Analysis Workers) to your Unit Testing script (Test Agents).
Classes com utilitários usados geralmente por todo desenvolvedor: tratamento de string; operações com datas; tratamento e validação de CNPJ e CPF; números escritos por extenso; entre outras funcionalidades.
# Encryption Classe responsável por criptografar e descriptografar dados ou mensagens.
Common access helpers for SQL
The IOHelper library contains a set of extension methods designed to wrap the ACL calls to determine if the current user can read/write/delete a file or folder
This package includes dynamic link library(dll) for operations on your project. It provides executing query, get table data and executing stored procedure query.
BetterSession provides extension methods for working with mvc core Session and TempData
Helper library for writing Data Localization Queries for Linq based data access technologies
A simple library containing all the handy helpers methods that you tend to rewrite.