Top 20 NuGet helper Packages

Genesis.TestUtil contains utility helpers for tests.
Genesis.AsyncInitializationGuard provides an InitializationGuard class, which facilitates thread-safe asynchronous initialization.
Genesis.DisconnectedUtil contains utility helpers for disconnected layers.
Genesis.GenericSerialDisposable adds a SerialDisposable<T> type to the System.Reactive.Disposables namespace.
Genesis.Logging is a library for application authors (not library authors) that facilitates performance-focussed logging that can be compiled out of performance-critical builds.
Genesis.Observables is a small library that provides commonly used, pre-canned observables.
Genesis.RepeatWithBackoff provides a RepeatWithBackoff extension method for IObservable<T>.
Genesis.WindowScan provides a WindowScan extension method for IObservable<T>.
Genesis.RetryWithBackoff provides a RetryWithBackoff extension method for IObservable<T>.
UtilityHelperTools include utilities for string, json validation, Ioc, dependecy injection control and others helper tools
Immutability Helper (immutability-helper) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Helper and Utilities Collection
This Assembly contains a pipe communication tool used to communicate between element without concentrate on How.
Library used to distribute usual tools to all the application universal, WPF, IOS, android ...
Genesis.Analytics.Raygun is a Raygun implementation for Genesis.Analytics.
A C# util library support .NET Framework2.0+ .NET Core2.0 .NET Standard2.0 and Xamarin.
Web Grid component using Incoding Software