Top 20 NuGet helper Packages

Simplified fluent way for accessing a Redis cache now ThreadSafe by design RedisCacheManager: + GetOrDrill + GetOrDrillLong (30 min) + GetOrDrillShort (10 min) + Overwrite + Poison q: [email protected] [2.0] - RedisCacheInstance for multiple cache server usage [1.5] - Added thread safety v...
Simple to use Html Helper for the jQuery bootstrap-rating plug-in. Usage - @Html.BootstrapRating(m => m.Rating)[.Value][.Start]... Source - Plug-in -
Common Shareable Library
A fake implementation of UrlHelper
Test Support elements for developing well achitected, developer focussed Umbraco solutions with Umbraco.Pylon.
ASP.NET Core MVC Tag Helpers for Bootstrap. These allow you to easily create Bootstrap component like Progress Bars, Modals and Alerts
MVC date/time picker helper based on Bootstarp.v3.Datetimepicker
A easy and lightweight library for various extension methods and utils
[Obsolete] Use BetterSession.AspNetCore. BetterSession provides extension methods for working with mvc core Session and TempData
Html helper for Lightweight and serializable PagedList implementation for .NET that can create a Pager Markup (Bootstrap for version 3.3.x and version 4.x.x) MVC 3-4-5
Cryptography extensions for strings and arrays of bytes.
ConsoleConcierge is a basic utility / helper library for .NET console applications.
An MvvmLight helper for calling RaisePropertyChanged on the UI thread from a PCL. See Project Site for instructions.
This library define tool to help be efficient in unit testing
Tools used to manipulate the IOC pattern. Compatible UnitTest
Helper and Wrapper methods for working with SCORM Cloud Service .Net Library
Extension methods for working with SCORM Cloud Service .Net Library. Adds async methods to registration service, course service, reporting service and export formatting options and
Genesis.Join is a simple library that adds a Join extension method to IEnumerable<string>.
html helpers for audio,video,img tag like (@Html.Image(),@Html.Video(),@Html.Audio())
Azure Key vault helper.Please Configure ClientId, ClientSecret and KeyVaultUrl as keys in appsettings with valid values.