Top 20 NuGet helper Packages

A TextHelper following Ruby on Rails TextHelper that provides utility methods like Truncate, WordWrap, AutoLink, Highlight, etc.
Helper class to simplify usage of the Windows Phone application bar
Some helpful methods and utilities for ASP.NET MVC Application
Send notification, sync & async, in-built validations, authenticated notifications, callback requests, localization & smart next steps on erroneous responses. More Details:
Extracts name of the object's elements like: properties, methods, variables, constants etc.
Object Implements base class with a facility for safe finalization/garbage collection for subclasses. AssemblyHelper Extracts metadata (e.g. title, description, and version) from the process executable in the default application domain (=the assembly that was loaded first when your application was ...
Framework to simplify MS SQL access without Hibernate Query Language OR LINQ. This is for cases then simply CRUD operation must be made without overhead of mostroues ORM frameworks
Service Helper for consuming the Phoenix 5 Api's.
System class wrappers making work with classes such XmlSerializer or Enum easier.
[FX4.0] Helps you using the legacy ADO.NET abstract factory classes in a very simple way. Please use AdoHelper class to begin. Any question: [email protected]
Omnifactotum is the ultimate solution for .NET developers who want to streamline their development process. It provides its own helper and functional classes and interfaces as well as the extension methods for the standard .NET types. Omnifactotum is compatible with the older and newer .NET versions...
Simplify your developments with this collection of helpers and extensions methods.
Enables JavaScript Intellisense for the Bing Maps v7.0 Ajax Map Control in Visual Studio.
A set of useful extension methods. Null and default values checking, Strings helpers, basic validators.
This tool helps you to get an easy overview over your cached items for websites and its children.
Update visual name; all files which are located deeper than 1 directory now got the prefix "|--"
The ultimate collection of C# helper classes.
Takes care of the boilerplate code required to install and run a Windows Service. TaskRunnerService makes it quick and easy to implement and debug services, freeing you to focus on your business logic.
A .NET Utility Class Library