Top 20 NuGet generic Packages
This is a common library for AspNetCore.Repository
Light and fast implementation of QuadTree.
Backward compatibilty with C#4
Package Description
GenericRepository is a data access library using repository pattern.
GenericRepository is a data access library using repository pattern.
Heterogeneous collections for F#. Using heterogeneous collections, it's possible to act on arbitrary sum and product types in a generic way.
Generic entity framework sql server repository which manages your entities. It allows you sign your entities as a ISoftDeletable , ISoftUpdatable and manages them automatically
TeqCrate is a type-safe datatype-generic programming library for F#. It offers a type-safe and extensible way to inspect, decompose and create values for various kinds of common F# and .NET types.
Fluent HTTP client with python-requests like interface
Package Description
The purpose of this library is to store cache data, the infrastructure "StackExchange.Redis" is fed, but this library offers more generic and clean architecture. This library was developed .NET Standard.
Dapper is a micro orm tool for .Net ado providers. The purpose of this library is to provide a tool that can be used in an easy and generic structure.
This library is designed for generic architecture based on mongodb. It can be used relationally because it has mapping feature. So, can make relational queries with defined rules.
Generic ADO.NET helper library to connect to a relational database system using a given providers ADO.NET driver. Driver can be in Global Assembly Cache or referenced as a nuget package.
Generic Repository Design Pattern icin Base Repository fonksiyonlarinin implementation edildigi ABSTRACT class'i iceren .Net Core 2.2 projesidir
Adds Windows Forms support to the .NET Generic Host.
Oracle database module for GenericSqlProvider.
Useful set of methods that work with the generic collection library.
* A ForEach for IEnumerable (which is sorely lacking).
* A LambdaComparer for dynamically using IEqualityComparer