Top 20 NuGet for Packages

I'm learning push DLL to nuget
An extension of the Telegram.Bot library that eases handling interaction between users and bots.
Just playing around...
Just playing around...
Helper methods for async collections processing. Add this package to your core library, so it would get the source code of this module without installing a binary dependency. Then proceed with using corresponding functionality from Atom.Util namespace, like if it was installed using binary assembly...
Shared interfaces and generic functional coding
With Argument Reader command line arguments can be passed into a .net core application. The standard project assist 3 types of arguments: * Boolean * Strings (\*) * Integers (#) Own argument types can be build with own classes. They need to inherit from the ArgumentMarshale...
BKM Express Xamarin SDK
Straight copy of the code base, converted to use netstandard2.0 for use in core 3.1 app. Original source located at
Tabs for Blazor