Top 20 NuGet for Packages

Xamarin 5-star rating widget with 1/2 star increments
Xamarin (Android/iOS/Windows Store and Phone and UWP) plugin to easily allow the user to select a picture (or take one) and crop it to their satisfaction. This project depends on Xamarin Forms directly.
Xamarin plugin to model pictures. This project depends on Xamarin Forms directly.
XamJam's Nav component for model-view-based navigation in root, tabbed, and navigation page schemes (or combinations thereof).
Xamarin (Android/iOS/Windows Store and Phone and UWP) plugin to log, record exceptions, and eventually provide insightful reports (e.g. functionality-X fails under conditions Y and Z on platform P)
Xplat (cross platform) implementation of Statistics algorithms .NET Standard 1.0 (netstandard1.0) .NET Standard 1.1 (netstandard1.1) with Parallel Linq algorithms
Xplat (cross platform) implementation Interval/Range implementation. .NET Standard 1.0 (netstandard1.0)
XrmToolBox Plugin for the Online Management API
The Azure Custom Vision service ( is able to create models that can be exported as CoreML, Tensorflow or ONNX models to do image classification. This plugin makes it easy to download and use these models offline from inside your mobile app, using CoreML on iOS, Tensorflow on...
Allows saving of an encrypted access token on Xamarin iOS or Android.
Enables you to use SQL to connect to DoubleClick for Publishers Ads, Accounts, Creatives, and Orders.
To log events in your Xamarin.Forms application
Provides Secure storage of key value pairs for iOS, Android, MacOS(OSX) and Tizen apps.
Crop images with iOS and Android
# TECHIS.CloudFile.AwsS3 AWS S3 implementation of the TECHIS.CloudFile interfaces. ## TECHIS.CloudFile Class interfaces for accessing files stored in cloud platforms like AWS or Azure
Documentation about how to use will be published soon. Please check it out on my blog at or
Documentation about how to use will be published soon. Please check it out on my blog at or
Blurs entire screen across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
The Azure Custom Vision service ( is able to create models that can be exported as CoreML, Tensorflow or ONNX models to do image classification. This plugin makes it easy to download and use these models offline from inside your mobile app, using CoreML on iOS, Tensorflow on...