Top 20 NuGet for Packages

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# TECHIS.CloudFile.AzureStorage Azure Blob Storage implementation of the TECHIS.CloudFile interfaces. ## TECHIS.CloudFile Class interfaces for accessing files stored in cloud platforms like AWS or Azure
Non-standard Extensions (utilities) to Xamarin-Auth (refresh-token)
Simple cross-platform plug-in that allows you to pick files from the filesystem (iCloud drive in case of iOS) and work with them.
Simple cross-platform plug-in that allows you to pick files from the filesystem (iCloud drive in case of iOS) and work with them. Version 2.0 now supports .NET Standard and Visual Studio 2017.
Provides a sample implementation of a StackPanel that shows how to add tags in multiple rows.
Display HUD's dialog.
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Plugin that makes it easy to handle all sorts of settings, more precisely, values of any type that is accessed through a key. This plugin was inspired by another similar component written by James Montemagno, but I used a different approach to data handling and usage. This plugin uses the native se...
Provides a way to take users to the settings page for your application for iOS, and Android.
Share File plugin for Xamarin iOS, Android and Windows
Efuelite Solutions RandomHelper helps to generate random numbers as string used for One time password
AppRater Plugin for Xamarin.
.NET library that simplifies Alexa skills development and works in .NET Core; same object model as Amazon's AlexaSkillsKit for Java
A visual wall of components that supports panning and selecting a single component. Typically used to view large numbers of images.
XamJam utility component, not expected to be directly useful to most developers. This is not the code you're looking for.