Top 20 NuGet for Packages

nuget for hash
A cross-platform API for authenticating users and storing their accounts.
Logging Plugin for Xamarin provides a consistent, cross platform logging plugin on Android, iOS, UWP.
Web utility Json / XML for .Net Standard
Retrieves WebProxy from .Net Standard
General interface and helper classes .Net Standard
Classes to Serialize / Deserialize objects from streams / strings in xml and json format: - SerializationJson (Json.NET) - SerializationRestSharpJson (RestSharp) - SerializationRestSharpXml (RestShap) - SerializationDataContractXml (DataContractSerializer) - Serializati...
Classes to generate Mock objects
Save settings on secure storage: KeyChain / PasswordValut / KeyStore / ProtectedData
Create / Read / Write / Delete files and directories
KendoGridFASM provides functionality for ASP.Net (MVC/Web API) to not only map the Data Source Request to C# DTO but also provides helper functionality that can be used to generate dynamic expressions for filtering, sorting and aggregation which again can be used to generate dynamic WHERE, ORDER BY ...
Application framework for managing cross cutting concerns
3 method...