Top 20 NuGet fable Packages
F# Units of Measure for primitive non-numeric types. Compatible with Fable.
Fable Core Library
A fresh retake of the React API in Fable, optimized for happiness
A more functional construct on-top of Fable.Core.
⚠ Please use FSharp.Domain.Validation.Fable (v0.9.78 for full compatibility)
Proxy generation for client Fable apps targeting F# server-side apps using Fable.Remoting
SAFE Stack Template
Shared Server Utilities for Fable.Remoting
MsgPack protocol and data format implementation for Fable.Remoting
F# to JS compiler
Fable bindings for Jest and friends
Dotnet F# client proxy that is compatible with Fable.Remoting web servers
Giraffe-Fable adapter that generates routes for shared server spec with a Fable client. Client must use Fable.Remoting.Client
A library for working with JSON in Fable projects
Suave-Fable adapter that generates routes for shared server spec with a Fable client. Client must use Fable.Remoting.Client
Fable bindings for react-testing-library
Elm-inspired encoder and decoder for JSON, this package is intended to be use on Fable
side only.
If you are interested on using it against .NET Core or .NET Framework, please use
Asp.Net Core middleware for Fable.Remoting
Fable bindings written in the Feliz-style for plotly.js
Bulma wrapper for amazing Feliz DSL