Top 20 NuGet fable Packages

Helpers around Bulma for Elmish apps
Helpers around Font Awesome for Fable.React apps
Elmish for Fable apps
Helpers around Reactstrap for Fable React apps
This is a routing library for fable and inspired by Giraffe. It supports both client side and server sider rendering.
Fable light weight form utils
Fable bindings written in the Feliz-style for material-table
Fable bindings written in the Feliz-style for sweetalert2
React-Spring bindging for fable
React-UseGesture bindging for fable
Validation hook for recoil.
Fable bindings for react-native-image-picker
DSL for creating React components using Fable and F# computation expressions
Fable.React binding for HTML5 canvas
Fable bindings for NextJS React components and functions
Fable: F# to JS Compiler
Elmish extensions for Fable apps targeting web browsers
Debugger for Elmish apps
Elmish extensions for writing Fable apps with React and ReactNative
Client part of Elmish.Bridge