Top 20 NuGet fable Packages

Fable bindings written in the Feliz-style for material-ui-pickers
Provides a compile-time transformation to generate web components from react components
Lightweight System.IO.Path and System.IO.File for Fable
Hot Module Replacement for Elmish apps
Helpers around Bulma for Elmish apps
Elmish core for .NET apps
Bindings for the Free icons of Font Awesome, should be used with Fable.FontAwesome
A simple functional library do create Markdown files.
Web workers in Fable made easy, exposed as React hooks and Elmish commands.
Fable bindings for Facebook's recoil.
Elmish.Bridge adapter to enable use in Feliz.Recoil.
Template for SAFEr Web App
Helpers around bulma-tooltip for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-switch for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-quickview for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-pageloader for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-divider for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-checkradio for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-calendar for Elmish apps
Bindings for the Pro icons of Font Awesome, should be used with Fable.FontAwesome