Top 20 NuGet fable Packages
Fable bindings for Babylon.js
Fable Components implementation of Polaris React for Elmish apps
Runs tests written with Fable.Mocha in a headless browser
Fable bindings for Redis.js
Fable bindings and helpers for Electron.
A library for easily writing CloudFlare workers in F# to be used with Fable.
A unique id generator for .NET and Fable, using timestamp plus random data, with multiple strength and precision options. Flexible alternative to UUID/GUID.
Tooltip extension for Feliz.Bulma
QuickView extension for Feliz.Bulma
Popover extension for Feliz.Bulma
Fable Import for MSAL version 1.2.1 and maybe higher, when no breaking changes are comming.
Page Loader extension for Feliz.Bulma
Polymorphic Type aliases for Server-Side Rendering development with Feliz
SweetAlert integration with Fable
MissYou integration with Fable
Faker integration with Fable
Fable.React binding for Autocomplete component
DateTimePicker extension for Feliz.Bulma
Divider extension for Feliz.Bulma
Badge extension for Feliz.Bulma