Top 20 NuGet exception Packages

Extension Methods for Exception class.
Manages unhandled exceptions thrown in an application by adding log entries and sending emails.
ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) for ASP.NET
Various tools,extensions, etc. for .Net Core Upgraded to core 3.1 is an event tracking platform that provides complete visibility across the entire stack in real time.
Pitcher.Sources is helper library to simplify throwing exceptions and make methods easier to inline by reducing code size. It's a source package for Pitcher, directly adding the code to your library or application without introducing another dependency.
This is test logger demo by Jeelani
This package implements logic for exception handling occurred during any api request through a specific middleware that returns http status code 400 (for business exceptions) or 500 (for internal errors).
A zero dependency library to simplify exception handling.
Logger To Exceptionless
Retrieve success or failure result from everything.
Shortcut to throw exceptions to make defensive programming fun and more effective. Non intrusive.
A set of base classes and interfaces useful for building exception Loggers and handlers.
Log exceptions and get notified when same/similar exceptions keep occurring in your solution. Works hand-in-hand and as a complement to your favorite logger
Shield clauses for validating and raising exceptions.
This package provides 1. Attribute based exception handling on actions 2. Inline Exception handling on actions 3. Exception chain