Top 20 NuGet exception Packages

Throw your exceptions easily.
Extension class for Azure StorageException to extract usefull information embedded inside the StorageException object by Azure Storage services on a failed request. Provides StorageException extension methods to extract: - ErrorCode - ETag - ExtendedErrorMessage - FailedOperationIndex (of ...
Automatically ignore errors generated by bots, webcrawlers, spiders and similar. Deprecated: enable the Crawlers filter on the Filters tab.
web api的全局异常捕获
Easyception is a fluent API for managing exceptions.
Sends an email every time a new error is logged. Deprecated: use the New Error Email to make sure that users timezone is taken into account.
Integrate with every service providing an API using the WebClient app. Deprecated: use a HTTP rule instead.
This is the tailored Exception Loggin Utility.
EasyLib is a C# library containing many useful classes for common needs.
Provides .NET exception handling retry logic via a fluent interface in a recipe format.
Set of helper classes for mapping COM HResults to typed exceptions.
ExceptionFilter ve LogFilter Attributeleri yardımıyla ilgili methotdaki hataları ve istek yapan kullanıcı bilgilerini loglar
BaseAnalyze client for portable applications. ;
BaseAnalyze client for Windows applications. ;
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a PostgreSQL database as the error log. NB requires manual configuration. This version has PostgreSQL as nuget dependency defined.
Apply declarative RETRY behavior to any arbitrary method invocation.
Neo Systems .NET libraries