Top 20 NuGet exception Packages

Manage and organize your exceptions with a base class. The base class provides mechanisms for automatic logs.
Add to the *.cs file header: using static ClrPro.ESharp; And use: Using(new MyScopeExtension()).Do(s=>{ Console.WriteLine(s.ToString());}) var myAction = Y(()=>return 10); // myAction have type Func<int>;
.NetStandard 2.0 Small app framework for .Net Core 3.x apps - Logging (file/console) - Event aggregator - Exceptions manager
AspNetCore implementation of Applyze.Exceptions. Also this package includes Exception handler Middleware for AspNetCore.
Abstraction and Base features of Applyze.Exceptions
Source code package. An extension for logging any file load exceptions that occur when the given IConfigurationBuilder is loading files.
Captures LogContext of a thrown exception to enrich logs when the exception is eventually logged.
An attribute to retry NUnit tests in case of an exception of a given type has been thrown.
Exception handling middleware using standardized responses
Provides the ability to configure Autofac with behavior that will dynamically intercept concrete classes marked with `RetryOnFaultAttribute` such that failed operations will be retried with a configurable exponential back-off. This package is for Autofac version 4. For an identical API ...
Aspect Manager(Caching, Exception, Logging, Performance, Transaction, Validation)
Package Description
Data Library for handling Exceptions
Execution strategy allow you to handle exceptions easy and compact
Provides two lite-weight classes that can be used to check the success or failure of operations returned from methods.
Gives you a full list of exceptions including inner exceptions in any given exception