Top 20 NuGet enum Packages

Provides iterators that can traverse through the items in an enum type. Can be used in LINQ expressions. CodeBits are useful code blocks that can included in your C# projects through NuGet. See the project site for documentation.
Standard Web Applications .NET Utilities
This package contains some useful tools such as: - String Extensions - Date Extensions - List Extensions - Enum Extensions - Exception Extension - CustomExceptions with Unique ID and Error Codes - Type Converters - Generics Conversion - Json seri...
ProEnum - JSON Converter/Serialization using Newtonsoft.Json
Reusable utility and class library for WPF .NET Core >= 3.0 - Featuring: AsyncRelayCommand<T>, ObservablePropertyChangedCollection, ViewModel, Visual Tree Helpers, Profiling, Extension Methods, ValueChangedEventArgs, MruManager (Most Recently Used files), AppSettingsConnector, InverExtension M...
Extra type constraints for Enum and Delegate.
Métodos y utilidades base del framework
A .NET Standard library that provides extendable class based enums.
A .NET Standard library that allows model binding of ExtendableEnums with Microsoft's core
AutoFixture support for Ardalis.SmartEnum.
A large collection of enums to simplify your life
A more precise enum converter for Newtonsoft json.
Fast, efficient, low-memory footprint generic operations and extension methods for enumeration types.
A .NET Standard library that provides compatibility support for using ExtendableEnums with Simple.OData.Client.
A .NET Standard library that allows registration of ExtendableEnums with Microsoft's OData in core, so that only the Value propery is output for OData requests.
a collection of my useful extension methods.
KGy SOFT Core Libraries offer high-performance and handy general libraries. Many of them aim to replace existing APIs of the original .NET framework with more efficient versions. Among others: - Useful extensions for simple types, collections, and others - High-performance collections - Fast enum h...
A .NET Standard library that allows ExtendableEnums to be used with LiteDB
Extensions to the JsonStringEnumConverter which supports attributes like EnumMember, Display and Description.
A .NET Standard library that allows ExtendableEnums to be used with Entity Framework Core