Top 20 NuGet enum Packages

A .NET Standard library that provides utilities and extensions to add functionality to enums, including accessing DisplayAttribute properties and finding minimum and maximum values.
ASP.NET MVC 6 Extensions Library provides addtional tag helpers and utility for simplify ASP.NET 5 web application development.
Enums have issues. This library provides a base class SharpEnum to create strongly typed alternatives to enums. Flags supported and includes json custom serializers.
StringEnum is a base class for creating string-valued enums in .NET. Features - Your StringEnum interface looks similar to a regular enum - Provides static Parse() and TryParse() methods and implicit cast to string. - Intellisense will suggest the enum name if the class is annotated with the xml co...
Collection of enum helper method
A country enum created to simplyfy mapping countries to a enum. Created from the country data exttracted from Wikipedia. Provides a few extension methods to easilly access country name, decription, state name, ISO 3166-1 codes such as the alpha-2, alpha-3 and numeric codes, country flags etc .
Helper for Systen.Text.Json.JsonSerializer in combination with EnumValueObject
Enum based repository implementation for a Quantify quantity
Type-safe .NET Enum class replacement
This package provides extension and static methods to enable custom, strongly typed metadata objects to be associated with enum instances. Now supports .Net 4, .Net 4.5 and NetCore 4.5 (Windows Store)
This package provides sample code exercising and unit tests validating the EnumMetadata.Core package. The EnumMetadata.Core package itself contains extension and static methods to enable custom, strongly typed metadata objects to be associated with enum instances. Now supports .Net 4, .Net 4.5 and ...
Multiple Platforms: GetElementRect, GetVisualChild, GetVisualAncestor, Enum extensions, RelayCommand, PropertyChangedBase Windows 8: Flyout, SettingsContractWrapper, LabeledProgressBar, KeyboardKiller Windows Phone: ReverseAutocompletePopup, StatusBarExtensions, CustomMessageBox .NET4.5: CustomMe...
Package Description
Did you ever got frustrated about the limitations of Enums? Ever needed an Enum that supports Strings? Or your custom type? Did you ever wonder why you can't add any instance methods and properties to an Enum? Do you like to be able to enumerate over all members, ask their names, values and index...
Library to allow conversion between an Enum Value and a string, in both directions. v4.0.1 fixes a MemoryLeak bug, in a MaliciousUser edge-case. See nuget for full version history
.Net Dev Utils
A collection of extension methods supplementing a variety of classes in the .NET Framework.