Top 20 NuGet enum Packages

Multiple enumeration generation based on lookup tables
**This has been merged** Try -- Case Insensitive Enum Value Converter enables enum values to be case-insensitive in configuration sectionis from App.config or Web.config
Structure comparison (primitive and complex type, enums)
ImprovedEnum adds functionality to .net Enum as ToList and recovery data from annotation attributes
C#'s System.Enum class can be incredibly performant and still let you maintain readable code. Unfortunatly, performing operations like listing all enum values, converting enum's back to their string names, and parsing strings to enum values are incredibly non-performant. In low-latency/high-perform...
Provides generic enum functions such as bitwise operations, fast HasFlag, and others.
Generate enum helper class and extension method to avoid enum's boxing/unboxing
This provides a converter library that converts configuration value to enum or list. It is a consolidated version of: - - If you want to find an individual lib...
Provides type safe versions of Enum's static methods in , and some type-safe delegates for enums. In TypeSafeEnums.TypeSafeEnum
Binding to enum collections
A set of tools for development.
Analyzer that suppresses the CS0702 error, thus allowing any constraint to be used (including 'Delegate' and 'Enum').
Neo Systems .NET libraries
Package Description
Extensions pack for Variel Creatives
extension methods for enum
Common extensions by DioLive Studio
Port of Java's EnumSet