Top 20 NuGet engine Packages

Rule factory to create expression tree based rules. Rules Factory can help create rules; since there may be too many details to keep track for a complex rule.
Yse Sound Engine with .NET wrapper
Allows loading C# scripts on runtime and executing them.
This simple rule engine is a .NET Standard library 2.0, which uses Microsoft's DLR DynamicExpressionParser in the background. The goal was to make a simple engine which is easy to use and compatible with many projects.
Read UE pak files and its' included assets.
The foundation module of the BitzSharp game engine
The core Debug module of the BitzSharp game engine
The Core Data module of the BitzSharp game engine
The Core Logic module of the BitzSharp game engine
Provides the ability to use GTK as a window system
The Core Audiomodule of the BitzSharp game engine
Search Results via SERP API. Hash, JSON, and HTML format supported for Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Ebay, Google Product, Youtube, Wallmart and more...
WQuery enables parsing and then editing a HTML code with the assistance of a fluent interface just like in the case of a jQuery library. WQuery is a part of a Wojdav Bootstrap Mvc package. The parsing of the HTML code is based on a WHtmlParser library. For now, a WHtmlParser contains some limitation...
The package integrates some of the eGHL Risk Engine APIs
Advanced console gui for the Wanderer engine
JobbrCore Scheduler