Top 20 NuGet engine Packages

Smallest full text search engine (lucene replacement) built from scratch using inverted WAH bitmap index, highly compact storage, operating in database and document modes Ported to .NET Standard from original project by Mehdi Gholam
SKIA drawing engine for WAVES UI WPF.
A game engine to make 16-bit styled platformers.
SharkEx Physics Engine for WPF Apps
NDecision is a Fluent rules engine written with Behavior Driven Development practices.
Fast 2D Lighting Engine for the XNA Framework.
Scalable Object Persistence (SOP) framework. A lightweight, high performance modern embedded db engine.
The Micro Rule Engine is a small(As in about 200 lines) Rule Engine that allows you to create Business rules that are not hard coded. Under the hood MRE creates a Linq Expression tree and compies a rule into an anonymous method i.e. Func<T bool>
Make databind between your .NET classes properties and your own template (Xml, Yml, ...) See documentation on
Simple engine that automates execution of task batches
STSdb is an open-source, client/server and embedded NoSQL database and virtual file system in one. It is built up from scratch without using any third party components. Data is stored in a very flexible key-value format where the key consists of the combination of sub-keys and an associated value. T...
This is a A Rules Engine for .NET Using Expression Trees. Yare is previously known as AiaPatag.RulesEngine How to use it:
This provides a set of helper methods that will enable you to easily replace the default way of searching views with the CommonSenseRazor convention of finding views.
RazorGenerator views using the CommonSenseRazor logic of finding views.
A custom ViewEngine using the the CommonSenseRazor view searching conventions.
Engine for creating online multiplayer games fast! Using: SignalR for communication
.NET script host for ActiveX script languages including VBScript and JScript. Using C#s dynamic type you can interact with your script as if it were .NET code.
Spoon creates and serves snapshots of your web application's dynamic content in keeping with Google's "escaped fragment" Ajax crawling specification. It is particularily well-adapted to single page web applications.
Spoon Standalone Connector streamlines the retrieval of page snapshots generated with Spoon Standalone.
OpenTK implementation of the Sharplike.Core