Top 20 NuGet engine Packages

Sharplike: The Open Roguelike Library
Engine for creating online multiplayer games! Using: SignalR for communication
A .NET interface for the popular ODE physics engine.
A .NET interface for the popular ODE physics engine.
Razor view engine with support for adding themes to an MVC application.
MathCore Library - ExpressionsBase
Razor view engine with support for adding themes to an MVC application.
Tavisca Core Engine package for Activity Product
Simple Business Rule Engine. It enables programmers or developer to combine rule-based and object oriented programming methods to add business rules to new and existing applications.
Activity based authorization library for C#
Lightweight workflow engine Supported platforms: - .NET 4.0+ - .NET Core (DNX Core 5+, Universal Windows Apps 10+) - Windows 8 - Windows Phone 8 (Silverlight) - Universal (Windows Phone 8.1+, Windows 8.1+) - Portable Libraries (supporting Profile259)
.NET Data Engine client
This an assembly you can use for Access Database Engine for Office 2013/2016/2019 COM interop, generated and signed by Microsoft. This is entirely unsupported and there is no license since it is a repackaging of Office assemblies.
Dynamic flow generation from scheme Supported platforms: - .NET 4.5+ - ASP.NET Core 1.0 - Windows 8 - Portable Libraries (supporting Profile7)
A memory management tool for C# which is * Very lightweight - GMem has only a few tiny functions and 2 objects * Generic - You don't deal with data conversions and you don't have to call different functions for every data type. * Object oriented - So that what makes your life easier doesn't make yo...