Top 20 NuGet ef Packages

The Tiraggo Dynamic Query API (based on EntitySpaces) for the Entity Framework (VS2010 or VS2012). Use Tiraggo instead of LINQ/Lambda expressions to load your EF POCO's via the intuitive Tiraggo Dynamic Query API.
This package is extension for Entity frame work to use Unit of work pattern and generic repository. User does not need to create repositories for each Module, Just use this package in Business layer and this package will have repository for it. This also tracks the history for the records that gets ...
TiraggoEdmx exposes the full EDMX metadata to your T4 Templates including the low level physical SQL mapppings. After using TiraggoEdmx it will soon be your preferred way to write T4 templates. Many enhancements are coming to the API. If you want to help take a look at the 'TiraggoEntityInfo' class ...
Simple and effective C# Generic Repository pattern implementation for Entity Framework 6 models. Use of generics and async makes eliminates complexity without sacrificing features.
N-Tier Entity Framework WCF RIA Services base library and T4 code generation templates.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework.
EFConvention is a convention based extension library for Entity Framework to automate several tasks currently cumbersome to do. It allows developers to create an Entity Framework based Context without having to specify each entity by putting it as DbSet<> as property.
A library that helps you implement a UnitOfWork pattern
An EF Code First implementation of a derived DbContext with provisions for the soft delete pattern. You would normally subclass the provided class for your own DbContext class. The entities should have a column named IsDeleted or Deleted. Reverse Engineer EF CodeFirst text templates are provided wi...
This package contains the runtime assembly for ASP.NET EntityDataSource control for EntityFramework.
This package contains the runtime assembly for ASP.NET DynamicData provider for EntityFramework.
This package contains everything you need to expose structured storage using Entity Framework as part of your .NET mobile backend hosted in Microsoft Azure. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobil...
Utility to generate tables from enums for EF code first. To contribute or for more information visit
Adds the templates that EF uses to generate Code First models from a database so that code generation can be customized.
Package Description
The EF implementation for the generic repository.
Testable EntityFramework: Easy and straightforward way to test EF queries
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
Contains implementations for Bricks.DAL concepts.