Top 20 NuGet ef Packages

This is an entity framework manager which assists in deploying base repository for models, caching of result and transaction base architecture
Generic repository for Entity Framework. This is an Early Alpha Build. Work in process.
Entity Framework Context Library (ECL) provides DbContextFactory to support mutliple DbContext instances within a UnitOfWork transaction scope through UnitOfWorkManager, using Entity Framework 7.
Adds a post build event that removes MiniProfiler.pdb from your project's output. See
ORM Profiler lets you gain insight in what your data-access code, e.g. your Entity Framework using code, is doing, find performance problems and quickly learn how to fix them. SD.Tools.OrmProfiler.Interceptor is the interceptor package for Entity Framework v6.x. The Interceptor assemblies are pa...
Extension methods and javascript/css for rendering my datagrid component in web pages
My package description.
Entity framework with membership provider
DataSeed helps you manage the data that gets pre-filled in your database when using EntityFramework's code-first model.
This package contains an example of using HybridDataAccess.
Contains components for Entity Framework.
Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.
Usefull database helpers
Simple paginator for Linq (EF)
Retrieve the primary key (including composite keys) from any entity
Extensions for Entity Framework which provide interfaces for base entities, history tracking functions and extensions naming for getting database object names
Entity Framework Data Mappings for Univercloud Email Database Structure.
Entity Framework Code first get started project structure such as: - ApplicationDbContext - ApplicationDbInitializer - BaseEntity
Code generation tool for SQL Server sprocs
This Is A Light-Weight And Fast-Develop .Net Framework.