Top 20 NuGet ef Packages

Autofac Resolver Extensions for DataOnion
Default Microsoft Resolver Extensions for DataOnion
Set of Interfaces for DataOnion
Used for unit testing EF queries based on
Allows you to use SQL Server spatial types on a machine without SQL Server installed. Useful when deploying to Windows Azure. Also enables Entity Framework spatial types to be used (DbGeography and DbGeometry).
Basic Entities and an Auditing DBContext which provides automatic creation and update of history tables
Data Access Layer provides concreate entity framework implemenataion of Generic Repository and Unit of Work for your .NET application.
Data Access Layer provides concreate entity framework implemenataion of Generic Repository and Unit of Work for your .NET CORE application.
A diagnostic analyzer for common EntityFramework performance issues.
Using Entity Framework, provides data repository interfaces, etc.
EF implementation for the Axis.Jupiter api.
LocalDB Mock for EF
Integration test tools such as LocalDb database creation for integration testing.
Package Description
This is an entity framework manager which assists in deploying base repository for models, caching of result and transaction base architecture