Top 20 NuGet ef Packages

InMemory extensions for FluentModelBuilder
A library that extends the functionality of Entity Framework 6.1 by adding batch update, future queries and audit logs.
Early preview of some testing helpers for Entity Framework.
A library for resetting Entity Framework databases as fast as possible, for integration testing
This is a repository pattern for Entity Framework (EF) Core.
A library for handling soft deletes & timestamps in Entity Framework.
Entity Find Repository
EF Update Repository
EF Reference Set Repository
EF Count Repository
Unit Of Work pattern over Entity Framework
caching strategies with repository pattern for EF
caching strategies with repository pattern for EF
Help to create SQL DB bulk operations.
Simple but DI-aware and extensible repository for EF DbContext
A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support automatically recording data changes history. This version has been enhanced with additional configuration options. This was originally based on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.AutoHistory.
MySQL database provider for OpenCQRS domain store.
DevAccelerateCoreEF provides common classes for using Microsoft EntityFrameworkCore in DevAccelerate.