Top 20 NuGet dynamic Packages

Natasha 程序集域 Core 版本的实现,插件编程.
R2D 将运行时环境压入到动态环境中。
Tool to load classes (objects) at runtime.
DomainWorkflows dynamic event-driven contracts genaration
CORS policy with dynamic resolver allowing origins configured at the startup as well as others based on the implementation of the method. This will allow to check CORS policies from eg. database or cache. Leverages short-circuit evaluation and checks the method only in case of the origin missing f...
With this Nuget package you can easily mark your service interfaces with ServiceScope anotation and this package will automatically register them on startup
Expression builder class to generate LINQ query expressions dynamically
Lazy injection for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider container
API to help simplify, among other things, dynamic data mapping between various data sources and data models.
Adds native raw SQL support to EntityFrameworkCore without the need for DbSet.
Hybrid-ORM for .Net
Defines a dynamic proxy object that enables easy access to non-public members.
Provides a dynamic API over XLinq: var xdoc = XDocument.Load("rss.xml"); var rss = doc.Root.ToDynamic(); // Type conversion, element traversal // using dotted path notation DateTime pubDate =; // Type conversion, attribute navigation // using indexer notation int port = rss...
[Obsolete] Use latest version from KendoGridBinder.
FreeType is a freely available software library to render fonts. Homepage:
Hapil is a dynamic MSIL generation library, which serves a back-end for the following design techniques: - CoI - Convention-over-Implementation - Aspect-Oriented Programming, through decoration - [planned] Subject-Oriented Programming, via mix-ins - [planned] Duck Typing
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language. This package is built with options that make it more suitable for use with Mono. Features specific to Windows and/or the .NET Framework will be unavailable.
dynamic operator using the DLR