Top 20 NuGet dynamic Packages

Dispatcher implemented using dynamics
Natasha 的 C# 版编译器
Tool to Update Software, Libraries, Files from different Sources that are implemented by user. The update class can easily be extended, without recompiling the whole library.
Avatars blend with the Na'vi seamlessly, and you can control their behavior precisely ('drive' them) with a psionic link. Just like a dynamic proxy, with behavior driven by code. IMyService service = Avatar.Of<IMyService>(); service.AddBehavior(...); Built from
Platz.SqlForms is a declarative Dynamic Forms framework that allows to create Blazor UI for EF entities
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language.
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language.
A Lua implementation for the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).
This is a ModelBinder designed to consume a http request and dynamically build a json serializable object for the Kendo UI Grid datasource. AutoMapper is used to support mapping from ViewModel <> Entity.
Convert / deserialize JSON or XML to dynamic. Convert / serialize dynamic to JSON or XML.
Task scheduling for .NET core.
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language. This package contains the MSBuild tasks and PowerShell cmdlets that enable integration [with Eagle] as well as the command-line shell [for Eagle].
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language.
1.0.2g OpenSSL is an open source project that provides a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols.
Provides a proxy factory by leveraging Castle based interception mechanism.
Construct Linq queries using strings.
Dapper extensions for sdmap.
Allows users to make dynamic query over a IQueryable<T>
Dapper extensions for sdmap.