Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services Authentication Library for Windows
Simplifies configuring .net applications.
[codingfreaks] Excel utility library
This is the Windows Dump Manager to help developers capture dumps of any process. Call "Dumper.WriteDumpForProcess" method, passing the required parameters to it.
SMU-JWC-API is short for the simplified API for accessing SMU-JWC. You can not only log into the SMU-JWC , but you can also query how you perform in your college years when you study in SMU. It used the .NET Core, which means the code can run on major OS, such as Windows 7 or up, Ubuntu 14.04 or up ...
Nequeo component model component
Nequeo cryptography key component
Nequeo exceptions component
Nequeo handler component
Nequeo IO component
Nequeo linq component
Nequeo math component
Nequeo model component
Nequeo resource component
Nequeo xml component
Nequeo science math component
Nequeo maintenance file component
Nequeo maintenance timing component