Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Trace Profiler for .net
.Net utils library
OoMapper is object-object mapper for .NET
Program arguments and options parsing library.
Reflection extension and utility methods.
Package description
Simple implementation of .Net MembershipProvider for MongoDB
A binary, reflection based serializer for Silverlight, WP7 and .NET, written in C#. This NuGet package is an unofficial fork containing SL, WP7 & .NET libraries.
SystemWrapper is a library that wraps .NET classes for system resources like System.IO.FileInfo, System.Reflection.Assembly, and many other classes so you can easily mock them.
Tierless is an alternative to Entity Framework for .NET, designed for large or small scale applications. Rather than code-generating schema-specific entites, Tierless uses dynamic structures to host any schema at runtime. Constraints and other rules are declarative and can be re-used between the cl...
Tierless is an alternative to Entity Framework for .NET, designed for large or small scale applications. Rather than code-generating schema-specific entites, Tierless uses dynamic structures to host any schema at runtime. Constraints and other rules are declarative and can be re-used between the cl...
Tierless is an alternative to Entity Framework for .NET, designed for large or small scale applications. Rather than code-generating schema-specific entites, Tierless uses dynamic structures to host any schema at runtime. Constraints and other rules are declarative and can be re-used between the cl...
Configuration-less object-relational mapper for SQL Server and SQL Server CE
A library enables develop to create the geometry with the famous old turtle style drawing system
This is based on. NET and XML database product technology development. Feedback : [email protected]
A simple undo\redo manager for .net, less than 100 lines...
Lets you perform Helmert (7 - parameter) Transforms, convert to and from Transverse Mercator projections (UTM) and provides simple methods for conversions between the WGS84 (latitude/longitude) and GGRS87 (Greek Grid) systems.
Lets you perform Helmert (7 - parameter) Transforms, convert to and from Transverse Mercator projections (UTM) and provides simple methods for conversions between the WGS84 (latitude/longitude) and GGRS87 (Greek Grid) systems.
Lets you perform Helmert (7 - parameter) Transforms, convert to and from Transverse Mercator projections (UTM) and provides simple methods for conversions between the WGS84 (latitude/longitude) and GGRS87 (Greek Grid) systems.
A light-weight .NET InSim library for LFS