Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Default silo host process that starts a silo as a process.
Management tool of Microsoft Orleans for remote management of Orleans deployment.
Metapackage providing support for hosting Microsoft Orleans on Service Fabric.
Non-allocating ninary reader and writer
QuickFIX/n is a .NET port of QuickFIX, an open source C++ FIX engine. We love QuickFIX. We have been contributors nearly since its conception and use it heavily in our products and consulting. The goal of QuickFIX/n is to create an open source FIX engine that feels native to C#. The (C++) QuickFIX p...
Siple Data Store For User Authentication Data
Extension method to Chunk your IEnumerables
Use in place of generated proxy classes for WCF.
.Net app logging
Simple .Net MVC Logging Framework
A generic validation framework supporting cross-entity data validation.
The challenge is to implement the required two functions.
DimMock allows you to quickly mock data for objects that you are testing.
A fluent API for defining metadata for WCF RIA services entities.
Json serializer and deserializer for .net
Maybe is monads implementation for .NET
MMDB Shared Library
A simple project to for Monadic helpers extensions.
A simple mechanism for Caching into a Concurrent Dictionary.
A collection of handy .net Extension Methods.