Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

A BDI implementation in .NET Core for simulating behavior of agents in an environment
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
Contains obscure and sometimes deprecated features of the Azure REST API. Please see the project website on for documentation.
This library lets you use standard role based authorization using your own roles repository
A simple library that implements some of the repository data access and modification patterns.
Provides a set of APIs to process file data in Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) traces (.etl files) in .NET. Consider using Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Processing.All instead to provide native dependencies and data providers.
A tiny helper for writing .NET Core applications. This library provides a simple set of extension methods that you can use to perform common validations and conversions in C#.
云享通.Net Corec微信开发SDK数据结构,注意:当前仅包含核心数据结构SDK,未包含全部开发SDK。
The migration tooling of .NET Framework application that needs to support a legacy configurations as App.config or Web.config.
BlockchainApi.Net is a .Net Standard API Wrapper for the / It includes all features the API provides, REST API and Websocket.
The migration tooling of .NET Framework application that needs to support a with Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting like syntax.
Provides an Avro Serializer and Deserializer for use with Axual.Kafka.Proxy client
Custom tag helpers that implements styles from Creator and other elments
In REST api there are common CRUD service interface for every model served by controller for each model. In most of the scenarios the code for implementing Create, Get, Index, Delete, Update for each model is same and writing the same code again in all the controllers can be avoided by implementing ...
JobbrCore Runner
This NuGet package will report via Health Check the version of the starting assembly . Also, it should report his own version - but not direct . It will be easy to demo via Xabaril Add the NuGet package HealthCheckVersion. In the Startup.cs services.AddHealthChecks() .AddCheck<HealthCheckVer...
MailkitTools provides e-mail services built on top of the popular MailKit library. These services are ideal to use within any .NET Core project that requires e-mail services, such as sending messages with an SMTP client and receiving e-mails with a POP3 client.
Wrapper liblary for LDAP querying
简易日志组件(A simple logging component)。 特色功能: (1)免配置使用; (2)便捷配置:指定路径、前缀、单条最大长度、保留天数; (3)按日期分文件、自动记录时间、连续重复内容仅计数。 使用方法: (1)LogHelper.Write("内容"); (2)Console.Write 重定向到日志(在构造器里加上:Console.SetOut(new ConsoleWriter()); )