Top 20 NuGet dictionary Packages

This package provides code fix for string properties inside model classes, Datetime fix, float/double decimal point restrictions and dictinory variables
An extension to the UmbracoHelper with several ease of life improvements, such as code first generation of dictionary items and getting dictionary items from a partial key
Provides some Dictionaries, that generate their values on requst unsing a factoy. The dictionaries are not thread safe. The dictionary used different caching techniques like CacheAll, WeakReferences and AccesBases cached,
This package implements the core Serialization provider contracts as well as various extension methods for Serialization in general (object to Json, etc.)
Dictionary API
Basic extensions for string, int, Linq, List, Object, Properties, StringBuilder, and Dictionary to simplify routine tasks.
Common extensions by DioLive Studio
Improve the quality of all your projects from a single source.
Wrapper for the urban dictionary API.
Dictionary implementation with primary and secondary keys
Dictionary implementation with primary and secondary keys
A dictionary wrapper that converts all complex elements to Dictionary<string, object> or IEnumerable<Dictionary<string, object>> objects.
ConcurrentObservableCollections based on System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentCollections
Package Description
A fluent library of wonderful extensions and utilities that can make your code short and clean.