Top 20 NuGet dictionary Packages

This package implements the Serialization provider contracts for serializers for Json.NET
This package implements the Serialization provider contracts for serializers supported in full ASP.NET 4.5 framework
KumoDictionary provides IDictionary<TKey, TValue> interface for access to a behind Key-Value-Store (e.g. Azure Storage Table, DynamoDB).
Dictionary key editor
Transla service core
Language library.
Say Good Bye to Multiple If Else Code . IfConditions use Dictionary/Map to store conditions as keys & single statement as values.
A nuget port of the GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English. Define thousands of English (US) words completely offline. Includes word types (noun, verb, etc), plurals, and pronunciations.
This is a FASTER device implementation for Azure Storage (page blobs). FASTER is a fast concurrent persistent log and key-value store with cache for larger-than-memory data.
Diccionario Real Academia Española API
NList brings an enormous number of powerful, STL-like algorithms to the .NET platform for processing indexable collections. There is a handlebars.js-like text generator. It has a powerful IComparer builder. There is a DefaultDictionary class. There is a class to convert an object into a dictionary o...
Core extension methods for native types
Core extension methods for native types
A UITypeEditor for editing generic dictionaries (Dictionary<TKey, TValue>) in the PropertyGrid.
Wrappers and extensions to the .NET collections and LINQ.