Top 20 NuGet ddd Packages

EventStore.Client.FSharp is a NuGet that adds a F#-ideomatic interface on top of EventStore
A library that implements an EntityFramework Code first repository and unit of work
Base Model for DDD / MVVM and other common classes. ModelBase supports change tracking, Guid/int Id, serialization etc.
A library that implements an Azure DocumentDb repository and unit of work
Database migrations without merge conflicts
Light-weight framework for building micro services
We are a hybrid event source as a service. You can use a fully indexed and powerful event source that is highly scalable and fast as hell. Or you can use document style data storage to simply persist state. Or you can use both, we're cool like that.
The BullOak.Repositories implementation for NEventStore
Extensions to support working with DDDToolkit with Entity Framework Core.
Core set of classes to support development using DDD.
Generic application services for CRUD operations with DDDToolkit.
API controller to work with DDD toolkit. Provides REST routes for CRUD operations on Aggregates.
SQLite database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
PostgreSQL database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
CosmosDB (DocumentDB) database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
$ dotnet new -i Paulovich.Manga $ dotnet new manga It creates a .NET Solution with a layered backend (Domain - Application - Infrastructure - WebApi) with the Clean Architecture Style.
A library for creating event-driven micro-services that centers around a micro-service processor that can handle commands, events and queries. Given its design, it also lends itself quite nicely to apply patterns such as CQRS and Domain-Driven Design.
Solid & next generation framework for your applications