Top 20 NuGet ddd Packages
EFCore extension for MiCake
MiCake's quick start package. Contains EFCore extension,AspNetCore extension,Audit,JWT token and more.
AspNetCore extension for MiCake
InMemory provider for Clinia CQRS domain store.
Clinia CQRS Memory Cache Provider
Abstractions of DDD Domain Model shared-contract, so consumers like a mobile app can construct their own DTO objects based on same core properties.
Abstractions of DDD Domain Model shared-contract, so consumers like a mobile app can construct their own DTO objects based on same core properties.
DrivenDb is a better microORM. Unique features, excellent performance, and cleaner code in as few trips to the database as possible.
经典领域驱动设计支持库 Mongo 驱动
经典领域驱动设计支持库 Redis 驱动
Data Access layer implementation using EntityFrameworkCore