Top 20 NuGet ddd Packages

A framework that helps the use of DDD patterns.
A NCommon container adapter for Castle Windsor
NCommon data adapter for Linq To Sql
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.DomainCommands
Implements the event sourcing pattern for entities persisted via EF
Provides the core APIs to implement the event sourcing pattern and an application event bus.
Provides additional behavior to the Event Sourcing package DomainObject partial class to allow auto wiring of event handlers using conventions.
A database deployer for an all-powerful domain.
The default presentation template for Running Objects that is built on top of Twitter Bootstrap framework.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF4. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF4.
EF5 provider for N-Tier Entity Framework.
Contiene clases que definen el contrato para una implementacion de repository, unit of work, entity, etc. Debe ser referenciado en la capa de dominio bajo una arquitectura domain driven design.
DSLTools deigner for HyperStore a modeling framework providing its own in-memory transactional database.
SQLite adapter for HyperStore a modeling framework providing its own in-memory transactional database.
Examples of semantic classes, including EmailAddress, BirthDate and Amount.
Physics related type system that models the physical world, including distances, areas, etc. Includes strongly typed operators, so that multiplying two distances results in an area, etc.
Seedwork for the Infrastructure Crosscutting Application Block