Top 20 NuGet dapper Packages

This module of the GFramework gives you automatic CRUD functionality based on the framework
Easy Table Valued Parameter - Easy one to many insert/update/delete.
Raf is .net farmework rapid development framework
DBHelperDapper library. Requires: - .NET Framework(>=4.0)
Dapper for IdentityServer3 including Clinet, Scope and Token etc.
more extensions for dapper
DataTables.AspNet extensions for DapperExtensions.
A high performance fully-async Micro-ORM for ADO.NET.
DapperMapper will ease your Data Management in Microsoft SQL SERVER and and Sqlite with the same interface. We provide Bulkinsert from JSON file in the package named "JSONAM" ease as one line of code to insert millions record to the supported database.
NFinal2 MVC framework
Dapper integration nodes for EtlLib: A simple ETL framework for .NET.