Top 20 NuGet dapper Packages

Postulate ORM implementation for MySql
A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc..
Package Description
Dapper integration for Galaxy
A custom built .net core web api application framework.
Make dapper compatible with net40.(base on dapper 1.50.7)
dapper repository for MiniDDD
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
The official collection of get, insert, update and delete helpers for Also handles lists of entities and optional "dirty" tracking of interface-based entities.
.net 4.7 package to create Base SQL Server Repository
.net 4.7.2 package to create Base SQL Server Repository
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
Package Description
Dapper-based fluent library to simplify MySql data access.
Microsoft SQL Server package for Cosmos.Dapper
PostgreSql package for Cosmos.Dapper
Oracle package with Cosmos.Dapper