Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Zip Activity for UiPath.
Data Access Library that simplifies data access to a Microsoft SQL server. Wraps SqlConnection the SqlCommand into a series of objects and methods that provide more straightforward usage. GetObjects<T>()/GetObject<T>() provides functionality to fill an object via reflection in a lightweight manner...
A .Net Core class library of useful extension methods for the "string" class in C#.
Common DateTime, Encoding, Http & Authorization and Serialization services for applications written in .Net Core, SDK 2.2.104
A few simple extension methods for the Serilog .NET logging library. Support for multiple .NET Frameworks: * .NETFramework 4.5 * .NETStandard 2.0 Please visit the project page for full documentation: *
The Reusable Library to get enum description or enum value by parsing enum
Create stunning visualizations and responsive charts for your dashboards and data-centric applications. For more info, please visit Once installed, please visit for guidelines on how to install and activate B...
Full Calendar MVC 5
AzStudio's Azure Rest Manager
Quickly and easily build REST APIs in C# using simple POCO models representing your data schema and an easy-to-use fluent configuration builder.
The ~~swiss-army-knife~~ multi-tool of choice when dealing with GraphQL schemas in .NET-land.
A class library that contain helper methods
Dynamic Scripting Language in C#
C# recipes
An adaptive computing framework written in C#.
Loggin library