Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Create image thumbnails from uploaded image files to help downsize large resolution images that need to be displayed on your website in a smaller resolution.
Simple CSV Serializer & Deserializer for C#
Package Description
Makes easy tasks easier.
.NET library that mimics behaviour of some Haskell functions and types.
A .NET Standard library which styles the text using Unicode characters
An asynchronous .NET Standard wrapper for the osu! api Please note this library is ASYNCHRONOUS only
MSBuild task to generate a managed assembly that defines "preprocessor" constants
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
A lightweight memory efficient SDK for Azure Storage Table operations. Please visit for more details
Framework for common functionality using C# and WPF/MVVM
Low level vulkan bindings for .net
Transpiler that takes CLR assemblies and outputs corresponding typescript definitions.
A library you can just add and it serves your C# objects (with easy authentication)
Package description
Small library for doing validations with lambdas