Top 20 NuGet crypto Packages

SharpHash is a C# hashing library which provides an easy to use interface for computing hashes and checksums of data. It also supports state based (incremental) hashing.
Mennion.Common provides useful code for developing asp net mvc projects
Fork of the original NCrypto library [].
Simple implementation of common cryptographic algorithms.
Typescript definitions files for Stanford Javascript Crypto Library
A C# implementation of the AESCrypt library
This class library wraps the AESManaged Algorithm in a Password crypto utility class. It also ships an utility for autogenerate passwords. The first version was created wrapping Rijndael. But this one now is on AESManaged in order to support WP7.
A simple class that makes it easier to do few basic crypto tasks.
Encapsulated cryptographic primitives for easy use
Fast encrypt and decrypt functions for IoT use. Implementações de algortimos criptográficos de alta performance para uso com IoT
An easy-to-use crypto API.
Extension to Rock.Encryption - allows properties marked with the [Encrypt] attribute to be encrypted during an XSerializer serialization operation.
OpenSSL is an open source project that provides a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. It is also a general-purpose cryptography library. For more information about the team and community around the proje...
CryptKeeper enables you to store secrets in memory and use SecureString with reliably destroyed clear text. The CryptKeeper Secret class is designed to be thread-safe. You can use the underlying secret as an array of bytes or a string (if you must).
Utils for .NET applications + Serializers for object to JSON and XML + Object Binder for NameValueCollection to Object + Safe converter for any object type to another object type + Regular Expression patterns for many string format + Extension methods for some actions + Hash utils for crypto + File...
Crypto class from System.Web.Helpers
Crypto utilities to easy our daily jobs, it has SHA utils, GUID utils, etc.
Keyczar dotnet management Tool
A multi-faceted .NET helper library.