Top 20 NuGet crypto Packages
A .NET implementation of scrypt algorithm.
Integration layer for Pkcs11Interop and iText (iTextSharp) libraries
CryptSharp - use for password hashing, not this library.
Nethereum.Uport Uport integration library
Crypto JS (crypto-js) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Fairlay provides a simple and powerful API to check globally accessible market data via the Public API and work with your account data and integrate external providers easily via the Private API.
Nethereum Contracts is the core library to interact via RPC with Smart contracts in Ethereum
Misuse resistant symmetric encryption library providing AES-SIV (RFC 5297), AES-PMAC-SIV, and STREAM constructions
DEPRECATED - The 'CryptoHelper' is now strong named by default.
Common Utilities. Crypto Helpers
Library made from coders to coders with some utilities used in GreenConcept projects
C# client connects to CoinMarketCap API v2
C# client connects to CoinMarketCap Pro API
Store Ethereum blockchain data in Sql Server using Entity Framework core.
Store Ethereum blockchain data in Sqlite using Entity Framework core.
Store Ethereum blockchain data using Entity Framework core. This package only contains the base components. Use the other DB specific packages available for Sqlite, SqlServer etc.
Nethereum.StandardNonFungibleTokenERC721 Ethereum Service to interact with ERC721 compliant contracts
Authentication and encryption class library: Authenticated encryption (AE), Secure Remote Password (SRP) and SSL/TLS
Store Ethereum block chain data in MongoDB.
Classes to help Crypto.