Top 20 NuGet crypto Packages

Clients for multiple cryptocurrency exchanges. All clients have a shared interface for common actions.
Binance Crypto Currency Client SDK
KuCoin Crypto Currency Client Sdk
A high performance hash collection for use in a distributed hash table
A portable (dotnet standard) utility class for generating x509 certificates
Code generation of Nethereum integration classes using the Solidity Abi and Bin
A interface for implementing caching and storage of objects by their hash, a specialized key/value store for any object that implements `CryptLink.SigningFramework.IHashable`.
Async C# Client for the CoinPaprika API
A simple tool for unit testing Stratis smart contracts.
Simple and easy to use OpenPGP library
Lets you easily and securely encrypt and recover text expressions and files in your .NET programs using X509 digital certificates and private keys. No prior experience with certificates required!
Store Ethereum blockchain data using Entity Framework (not EF core). This package only contains the base components. Use the other DB specific packages available for Sqlite, SqlServer etc.
Store Ethereum blockchain data in CSV format.
Bitcoin Explorer .Net wrapper based on
Dogecoin Explorer .Net wrapper based on
Official Bitcoin RPC .Net Wrapper
SDK for interacting with WeOwn public blockchain
Waves Platform C# crypto library
C# Crypto Library in .Net Standard Library 2.0 by Microsoft