Top 20 NuGet crypto Packages

Random bits from Australian National University formatted for .NET programming.
Cryptographic functions for .NET for VtConnect, part of VtNetCore
Blockchain and cryptocurrency web api client libraries for .NET
A convenient signing and hashing framework, anything you can serialize, you can hash and sign. Allows for partial class hashing and custom implementations. Also provides a IComparable byte[] wrapper for efficient comparison and sorting.
Code generation of Nethereum integration classes using the Solidity Abi and Bin
Code generation of Nethereum integration classes using the Solidity Abi and Bin
Cryptographic functions for .NET Crypto .NET is an AES CBC and AES CBC HMAC SHA512 .NET wrapper which makes it easy to encrypt data, objects and files. The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.0 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.0 and above.
Cash Address library for Bitcoin Cash address conversion
Package Description
This is crypto library to encrypt and decrypt prices.
Library to connect to MarketLab API. Get historical markets data to backtest your trading strategy on a cryptocurrencies exchanges like Binance, Poloniex, etc. This library includes a replaying engine. Get help from the documentation and example.
This client library enables working with Polygon's REST service as well as their websockets. REST API Reference -
The Enterprise Library Caching Cryptography Provider lets developers encrypt the data to be cached.
A sample showing how to use SecretSplitter to split up a secret and SecretCombiner to recover it.
SuperMassive is a small condensed framework of reusable .NET components and utility classes. It's your supermassive .NET swiss army knife.
tinhat : crypto random for the truly paranoid. tinhat guarantees not to reduce the strength of your crypto random. But if your OS crypto random has in any way been undermined (for example, by a nefarious government agency, or simple incompetence) then tinhat has the ability to improve the strength...