Top 20 NuGet blazor Packages

A Blazor card component based off TailWindCss. It has the bare minimum styles to function with the option to add your own classes. It's built so it can be fully customizable and reusable.
A Blazor list component based off TailWindCss. It has the bare minimum styles to function with the option to add your own classes. It's built so it can be fully customizable and reusable for any list type.
A Blazor ProgressBar component based off TailWindCss. It has the bare minimum styles to function with the option to add your own classes. It's built so it can be fully customizable and reusable. For gradients, you will may need to include additional styles if you want certain colour combinations.
A custom animated spinner for the TailBlazor library. Change almost everything about it: size, thickness, speed, animation style, line caps, colour, with options to add more custom styles through tailwindcss classes.
Crude is a simple Blazor framework to render CRUD interfaces.
This package contains fast JS data exchange helper for blazor.
This package contains blazor window helper.
A collection of Components for use with ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Bionic - An Ionic CLI clone for Blazor projects
SignalR Core C# client Blazor compatibility
TimeWarp Templates for ASP.NET Core Blazor
Toastr.js port to Blazor - no javascript involved
Intercept all of the sending HTTP requests on a client side Blazor application.
BlazorMobile: Launch Blazor as a mobile application on iOS, Android & UWP, with native communication support. Support iOS 12+, Android 4.4 >= and UWP. Install this package on your shared Xamarin.Forms app project.
Another blazor component library
Library wrapping Blazor JSInterop call for browser API : console, navigator, battery, geolocation, storage (local, session), history, screen, performance, window, event ... see wiki for list of supported API
A project template for a testing Blazor/Razor components using the bUnit library.
Package Description
Admin Dashboard for Blazor