Top 20 NuGet blazor Packages

Observable StateTree.JsonSchema library for Blazor
Blazor extension for logging to browser console. Important NOTE: only works for apps using WebAssemly Hosting Model! Part of Majorsoft Blazor library.
Blazor component that can be used for scheduled and periodically repeated tasks to call custom code. Part of Majorsoft Blazor library.
Blazor PermaLink component and extension that can be used to create navigation element inside Blazor pages (#permalink). Part of Majorsoft Blazor library.
Blazor components that renders Overlays for the whole page on load or for specific element on custom event. Also HTML Button with customizable content for showing async operation in progress/loading state. Part of Majorsoft Blazor library.
Blazor component that renders an Input, InputText, Textarea or InputTextarea, etc. element with debounced onChange. Part of Majorsoft Blazor library.
Blazor injectable Services and wrapper Components to notify on CSS Transition and Animation events. Part of Majorsoft Blazor library.
Blazor component that provides useful functionality and event notifications which can be achieved only with JS Interop e.g. scroll, clipboard, focus, resize, language detection, GEO location, etc. Part of Majorsoft Blazor library.
Free TON Client for Blazor
Free TON Client for Blazor
Free TON Client for Blazor
Utilities that make Blazor WASM C# interfacing with JavaScript easier, will triggers corresponding JavaScript functionality.
SmartishTable - Blazor Table/Grid/ListView/Whatever you want. UI is completely customizable! Not dependent on any CSS frameworks. Features: Paging, Sorting and Filtering
When you don't know what component to render until runtime.
A blazor library provide a component to crop images
HTML5 Notifications API implementation for Microsoft Blazor
Blazor component for vis.js/vis-network.
A Style and Css builder for Blazor and ASP.NET Core web applications inspired by the classnames javascript library.