Top 20 NuGet blazor Packages
A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for Blazor. Spinkit also includes the SpinLoader component with templates for handling null values during async operations. Spinkit includes CSS from the Spinkit project by Tobias Ahlin
This package contains svg classes for blazor.
A component for Blazor Wasm that makes it super simple to load local files into your .NET code. Efficiently transfer file blobs from the browser into the .NET runtime.
A reusable pagination component for Blazor to show related content across multiple pages.
This package contains websocket helper class for blazor.
This package contains web worker helper class for blazor.
This package contains splitter for blazor.
This package contains scrollbar for blazor.
A lightweight Blazor Mvvm Library
Intersection Observer API for Blazor applications
Dialog component as a service for Blazor
Observable StateTree.Proxy library for Blazor
A collection of Blazor components based on the default controls that ship with ASP.NET Web Forms
Powerfull Blazor Component For Animate Html Tags And Blazor Components (animate.css).
Prism Code Highlighter for Blazor
Provides core functionality for your Blazor component libraries as well as many of the Blazorade libraries, such as Blazorade Bootstrap.
A JavaScript free Transfer (Dual List) library for Blazor applications
Esquio components and services for Blazor Wasm.For more information see
A JavaScript free OpenID Connect PKCE library for Blazor WebAssembly.
Support .NET 9.0
Support .NET 8.0
Support .NET 7.0
Support .NET 6.0
Support .NET 5.0
The received ID token is validated by the component in the client using the OpenID Provider (OP) discovery d...